ACCOUNTABILITY, WHO'S RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR FREEDOM Accountability, who's responsible for your freedom? You're not only a witness, you're...

Kindred Spirits Twin Pillars
🗄📂2021 is the 20year anniversary of the twin pillars The person in the world who was most similar to #TigerWoods might have been Kobe...

Please Circle Back & Explain This
This is what a chunk of America signed up for. Interpreting this in this weeks live chat

🎯Ok, I said, let's push for #Reparations the community said no, that's for coons. 🎯Trump offered $500billion "platinum plan" to boost...

How Realistic Is Draining The Swamp With Biden in Office
How realistic is the #DrainTheSwamp movement with #Biden in office? #JoeBiden first few days in office, he shadowed & countered Trumps...

Black Biden Supports Exposed to True Savior
🎬You can't make this stuff up. Quintin Taranto came close, yet the REAL LIFE Stephan Warren (from his fictional movie Django) James...

Hank Aaron Fatally Volunteers for Experimental Vax
💉⚾️ ⚠️H E R O S #HankAaron was born & lived most of his prime during the tuskeegee experiment Only to volunteer himself to morehouse...

Damn They Genetically Modified The Dream
The contrast of #MartinLutherKingjr & todays politicians pretending to represent the people. They encourage violence & divisiveness. The...

Declassified: Biden Transition to Prison or Power
Will #Declassified Obamagate documents of spying & Deep State manipulating election results for Biden cost Dems the White House? With the...

💥Trump Alamo Texas Speech "PEACE"
🗽At the Texas border wall. Trump tells the audience, he's not concerned with the 25th amendment impeachment. Then warns Biden he may...