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2017's Most Embarrassing Moment in History

Never Forget how 2017 started! When people say omg I can't believe this or that happened. I look at them like, ok you're lost. The 2017 year started off with millions of people marching, singer dancing & protesting FOR Eugenics. Now, if I'm mistaken that's not a good thing. Yet it's a proud badge of honour for those who are "not aware" or "pure FED puppets" pretending to be leadership worthy. You choose between those two & then you speak. No way in the world you didn't or don't know Margaret Sangers Agenda. Unless you're totally clueless to US history. The reality is, we're living in the days when popularity is more important than Truth, Fame is valued over wisdom. The bread and circus club, is over crowed with empty shells of men and women. The margaret Sanger March proved how foolish & unfocused the populas actual is. You had Madonna, Gloria Steinem & other A-Z artist & politicians on the frontline for one of THE dumbest, sickest agendas of all time. And they were proud to be shills for such an oppressive agenda. It will go down in history as the most embarrassing major event in the age of information. Hillary Clinton & Bernie Sanders were the back drop for the anti- Donald Trump, yet pro-eugenics fundraiser. We've come so far, yet have not made much intellectual progress that sticks.




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