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Before talking about the riduculous CIA schemes that get passed off as official work. I think the bigger story here, is how fast gossip is moving & how dangerous it's become. People are so focused on getting likes & "Keep Up With The Algorithms." Their spreading missinformation & totally missing the point of the 1st Amendment. No, free speech is not being contested when you go along with the lie. The major search engines are being used to limit the voices of the real people. Most are cosigning Microsoft bots. We'll get more into that later. Now, "The Onion" is infamous for great fake news stories that blur fact from fiction. The only giveaway is the logo & brand. Again, this new batch of users aren't much on comprehension.. So I'll spare the details.. As for the CIA, it's a foreign company using tax payers dollars to terrorize, well everyone including the tax payers. Air American coke deal, the Freeway Rick Ross story is a small peice of that puzzle. Reagan-Bush era were defined by the CIA's propaganda schemes. Largely inpart because GHW Bush was an actual CIA guy himself. Anyway, I'll close with this. President Trump has the CIA looking like they might get some integrity & clean up their act. We'll get into that too. That fake apology had people shook. "He's keeping all of his campaign promises?" lol Will Trump the #PromiseKeeper #InvestigateSept11 ? Only time can tell




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