#howardschultz #Starbucks CEO announced he's running for #president during the new age #Capricorn which coincides with his brands 2nd logo Not to mention the 1st logo aligns with the #Rams going to #Superbowl It's all corporate games for #PopulationControl Hindsite is 2020 Both Bloomberg & Schulltz presidential conversations, validate my perspectives as THE MOST accurate. It also explains why they went so hard to shut MY brand & channel down. NEVER FRONT ON MY NUMBERS I knew they were up to something. It only proves Sharrief Rawyal as THE greatest Brand Strategist Advertising Marketer (For Hire) To be able to beat the machine at it's own game 10years in a row... To have my 2nd viral video from #2008 has passed the 10yr #agechallenge That mks 10 #viralvideos moving at the same damn time. ___________________________
Help break this censorship game. Stay active on my social platforms Also Support the music. The message is in the music https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07MYBD2QM